You may be thinking, why should I get professional portraits done? I have a pretty good camera on my phone. My friend at work has a professional camera. Why pay money just to have photos taken?
Those are valid concerns. If taking a simple snapshot of a moment is all you need, then that is what you should do. However, a professional portrait session is more than just taking a picture. It’s an experience of self-discovery. It’s a chance to get out of your comfort zone, push yourself into something you may not be sure you can do, then witnessing that you can!
Having professional portraits created with me is about discovering something about yourself that you didn’t know you had in you. You have it already! We all do, but we’ve been so conditioned to suppress that side of ourselves. I’m here to help you through that.
I’m going to be posting a series of blog posts here to help you see the many ways in which portraits can help you.
It’s time you did something for yourself!